A cold email strategy your leads did not see coming

A cold email strategy your leads did not see coming

Oct 7, 2024

A cold email strategy your leads did not see coming
A cold email strategy your leads did not see coming

A cold email strategy your leads did not see coming

Cold emails have long been the essence of sales teams and marketers looking to connect with new prospects. As inboxes become increasingly crowded with tens of cold, unpersonalized emails everyday, the effectiveness of traditional cold emails has almost vanished. What can you do now to stand out, spark interest, and get a response from your target audience? The answer hides in a method that your leads definitely won’t see coming: short, personalized videos. Instead of relying solely on text-based cold emails, integrating short, tailored video messages into your cold outreach can actually transform the way you contact leads and receive responses from them. 


This is why cold outreach is still effective

Cold outreach is often seen as the digital equivalent of knocking on someone’s door to introduce yourself. While it might not be the most glamorous way to start a relationship, it’s still a highly effective way to connect with potential customers. But why is cold outreach still such a reliable method in an era where marketing and advertising have so many channels and strategies, so much crowd and noise?

The best thing about cold outreach is the directness. When done well, cold emails allow you to get your message in front of your target audience without relying on them to find you first. Rather than waiting for a potential customer to stumble upon your ad or website, you’re taking the first step in initiating contact. You control the message, the timing, the audience. This gives cold outreach a level of precision and scalability that few other strategies can match. For businesses, cold emails can be especially effective because they allow you to connect with prospects who might not yet know about your product but could benefit from it. It’s a way to create awareness and generate interest in your offering from scratch. On top of that, you can track the open rates, 


Short and personalized videos are changing the game of cold outreach

Instead of a plain, boring, low-effort email filled with badly written text, your prospect could now receive a short video made just for them. The video addresses them by name, discusses their company or industry, and highlights how your solution can address their unique challenges. Not only does the video feel personal, but it also conveys a sense of effort and investment that no standard email can. This is where personalized video messaging steps in as a game-changer. Videos are naturally more engaging than text, and when they’re personalized, they become even more powerful. They create an immediate connection with the viewer, demonstrating that you’ve taken the time to craft a message specifically for them. This approach humanizes your sales tactic, helping you come across not as just another faceless, sleazy salesperson, but as someone who genuinely cares about the recipient’s business – so much so that they get a personalized video from you!

Videos are highly visual and that’s a significant advantage in an age where attention spans are shrinking and people can barely remember you if you don’t differentiate yourself from the crowd. In addition, people process visual content faster than text, and this makes videos more likely to capture and hold someone’s attention. The reason why videos feel more personal is because the viewer actually sees you, hears your tone of voice, sees your enthusiasm and personality. This could be compared to having an actual face-to-face conversation like in the old, good days. That’s how you can also communicate trust, competence and the value of your product or service.

 Not just hearsay, but numbers back it up

Videos are not just about grabbing attention. Personalized video messages also spark curiosity. When someone receives an email with a personalized video thumbnail, obviously it sparks their interest(even if they wouldn’t admit it). They’re far more likely to click on a video made specifically for them than they are to open and read through a block of text that looks like every other boring email in their inbox. Furthermore, personalized videos allow you to give out information that is more digestible for your prospect, especially if you are pitching a more technically advanced product. So, instead of sending a lengthy email explaining the benefits of your product, you can present the same information in an engaging way that’s more likely to stick with the viewer. 

The best thing is, the numbers back this up. Emails that include personalized videos can generate higher open and click-through rates. Research suggests that video emails can lead to a 300% increase in click-through rates compared to traditional emails. When you consider that most text-based cold emails are lucky to achieve 20% open rate, the reason to put effort in personalized video outreach becomes… a non-brainer.


Where to easily create well-performing videos?

MailMoo provides a user-friendly platform where businesses can easily create, personalize, and send short video messages to their prospects. These videos are designed to be engaging and easy to produce, so that you can focus more on what is truly important to you. Not saying that cold outreach isn’t important, but immensely time-consuming. That’s why Mailmoo can truly change the way you send out cold emails, allowing you to stand out from the competition.

On top of that, using MailMoo is straightforward. You begin by recording video footage with a built-in webcam recorder or download your own. This doesn’t have to be a full movie production with professional cameras and lighting, but what is more important is how you convey yourself and pitch your product or service. Mailmoo creates shorter videos from the longer clip that are personalized with each lead’s name. The goal is to make the recipient feel like this video was created specifically for them, and that’s what Mailmoo specializes in.

Once your video is ready, it will be made easy to embed directly into your cold emails. This video is not just an attachment that might go unnoticed but displayed as a clickable thumbnail within the email. The recipient simply clicks to watch and they’re instantly engaged with your personalized message. That is something your lead did not see coming when your email popped into their inbox! MailMoo’s platform also offers analytics to help you track the performance of your videos. You can see who opened your email, who watched the video or how long they engaged in it. This data is invaluable because it allows you to personalize also your follow-up. If a prospect watches your video but doesn’t respond, you can send a follow-up referencing the video and remind them of something that is going to spark their interest (and blow their minds).

MailMoo’s platform is also scalable. If you’re a solo entrepreneur reaching out to a few key prospects that you’d love to close, or even large sales team contacting hundreds of leads, Mailmoo allows you to create personalized videos at scale. You can segment your audience and create your message for each segment while maintaining that personalized touch. This is something that is difficult to do with only text-based emails. While other businesses are still relying on text-heavy emails that get lost in the crowd, you’re sending personalized video messages that capture attention immediately. How beautiful is that!


Stand out with a cold email strategy that your competitors are not yet using

Cold outreach has always been about making connections, but as inboxes fill with impersonal, and annoying emails, it’s becoming harder and harder to get noticed. Traditional cold emails still work (sometimes) but they often blend into the background and get left unopened. The key to breaking through the noise hides in personalization and the most personalized you can get - without showing up to your prospects front door - is sending them a video that starts a conversation.

Why spend so much time crafting the perfect text-based email when it’s anyways going to get lost in crowded inboxes or only quickly scanned by the lead, and them not even remembering you the next day? With MailMoo, creating and sending personalized videos has never been easier and that might just be the edge your business is looking for to stand out, engage with more leads and close more sales! Book a call with us and let’s have a chat!


Get started with personalized videos, without hassle.

We offer plans for companies of all sizes. From one man operations to large enterprises
who need to create hundreds of thousands of personalized videos per month.



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Hyper Growth

Up your sales game and put your leadgen

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Everything in Growth

2000 videos monthly

3 minute videos

Custom Landing pages

Video Recorder

Advanced Analytics

Premium Chat support

Bespoke pricing


Need more? Contact our sales. We offer larger video limits and bespoke solutions for our enterprise clients.

Everything in Hyper Growth

Dedicated Account Manager

Tailored video limits

Shared Slack channel

Contact sales

Get started with personalized videos, without hassle.

We offer plans for companies of all sizes. From one man operations to large enterprises
who need to create hundreds of thousands of personalized videos per month.



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Start creating high converting personalised videos.

1000 videos monthly

1 minute videos

Custom Landing pages

Video Recorder

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Chat support

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Hyper Growth

Up your sales game and put your leadgen

into overdrive!

Everything in Growth

2000 videos monthly

3 minute videos

Custom Landing pages

Video Recorder

Advanced Analytics

Premium Chat support

Bespoke pricing


Need more? Contact our sales. We offer larger video limits and bespoke solutions for our enterprise clients.

Everything in Hyper Growth

Dedicated Account Manager

Tailored video limits

Shared Slack channel

Contact sales

Get started with personalized videos, without hassle.

We offer plans for companies of all sizes. From one man operations to large enterprises who need to create hundreds of thousands of personalized videos per month.



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Start creating high converting personalised videos.

1000 videos monthly

1 minute videos

Custom Landing pages

Video Recorder

Advanced Analytics

Chat support

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Hyper Growth

Up your sales game and put your leadgen

into overdrive!

Everything in Growth

2000 videos monthly

3 minute videos

Custom Landing pages

Video Recorder

Advanced Analytics

Premium Chat support

Bespoke pricing


Need more? Contact our sales. We offer larger video limits and bespoke solutions for our enterprise clients.

Everything in Hyper Growth

Dedicated Account Manager

Tailored video limits

Shared Slack channel

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+358 50 466 7127

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Send enquiries about Enterprise level subscriptions or about anything else! We value quality customer service. You can always talk to a human.

Janus Joenpolvi

Co-Founder, CEO & Head of sales


+358 50 466 7127

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Send enquiries about Enterprise level subscriptions or about anything else! We value quality customer service. You can always talk to a human.

Janus Joenpolvi

Co-Founder, CEO & Head of sales


+358 50 466 7127

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Our sales reps will be glad to help you get started with MailMoo.

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Our sales reps will be glad to help you get started with MailMoo.

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